with Fkeys as (
select distinct
OnTable = OnTable.name
,AgainstTable = AgainstTable.name
sysforeignkeys fk
inner join sysobjects onTable
on fk.fkeyid = onTable.id
inner join sysobjects againstTable
on fk.rkeyid = againstTable.id
where 1=1
AND AgainstTable.TYPE = 'U'
AND OnTable.TYPE = 'U'
-- ignore self joins; they cause an infinite recursion
and OnTable.Name <> AgainstTable.Name
,MyData as (
OnTable = o.name
,AgainstTable = FKeys.againstTable
sys.objects o
left join FKeys
on o.name = FKeys.onTable
where 1=1
and o.type = 'U'
and o.name not like 'sys%'
,MyRecursion as (
-- base case
TableName = OnTable
,Lvl = 1
where 1=1
and AgainstTable is null
-- recursive case
union all select
TableName = OnTable
,Lvl = r.Lvl + 1
MyData d
inner join MyRecursion r
on d.AgainstTable = r.TableName
max(Lvl) As Lvl
,strSql = 'delete from [' + tablename + ']'
group by
order by
1 desc
,2 desc
Microsoft SQL Server database help,articles and t-sql Tips, Business Intelligence, Interview questions and tutorials etc..
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Query to get the parent level and child level hierarchy data of a particular account.
Declare @TestTable Table
ID int,
Name varchar(50),
ParentID int
Insert into @TestTable values
Declare @ID int = 4
;with cte
Select ID,Name,ParentID
From @TestTable where ID = @ID
Union All
Select a.ID , a.Name,a.ParentID
from cte c inner join @TestTable a on c.ParentID = a.ID
Select ID,Name,ParentID
From cte where ParentID is null
Union All
Select a.ID , a.Name,a.ParentID
from cte1 c inner join @TestTable a on a.ParentID = c.ID
Select * from Cte1 Option (MAXRECURSION 32767)
Query to get the child level hierarchy data of a particular account.
Declare @TestTable Table
ID int,
Name varchar(50),
ParentID int
Insert into @TestTable values
Declare @ID int = 4
;with cte
ID , Name,ParentID,ParentName
Select ID , Name,ParentID,
(select Name from @TestTable where ID = a.ParentID) parentName
From @TestTable a where ID = @ID
Union All
Select m.ID , m.Name,c.ID,c.Name
from cte c inner join @TestTable m on m.ParentID = c.ID
Select * from cte Option (MAXRECURSION 32767)
SQL Server Interview Questions
1. What is indexing?
Types of index. details about Clustered and non clustered index.
2. What is CTE (Common Table Expression)? advantage?
Use of it, Recursive CTE?
3. Difference between Temp table and table variable?
4. What is Transaction?
Describe Isolation levels deeply.
5. What is locking ? Types of locking., locking levels
6. What is service broker?
7. Backup and restoration. Describe backup types?
one scenario to Restore using 3 backup types.
8. Query for delete duplicate records keep original.
9. Query for paging
10. Query for hierarchy structure.
11. varChar vs nvarchar vs Char
12. How to clear identity field.
13. Nth largest salary of an employee.
14. Rows to column without using loop.
15. What is Cursor ? Types of cursor?
16. Performance Tuning? Profiler,Query tuning advisor.
17. What precautions taking for Query optimization?
18. Triggers ? Instead of Trigger? Have u used DDL trigger?
19. Normalization? Denormalization? Types of normal forms?
20. Apply Clause?
21. Pivot and UnPivot?
22. Difference of SQL Server 2005 and 2008 / 2008 and 2008R2
23. DB Mail vs SQL Mail?
24. Database design for Online shopping.
25. ER diagram ? Explain what for ER Diagram? Table Relation ship.
26. Indexed view? What conditions consider when creating indexed view?
27. SSRS Architecture? Tablix? Types of Group? Chart? New Controls in SQL server 2008R2? Have u used map control?
28. SCD ?
29. What is Collation? explain sensitivities.
30. How can i pass multiple value as a parameter to SP. explain table valued type and xml.
31. What is Dirty Read? phantom read,un repeatable read , lost updates
32. Deadlocking?
33. Explain system databases?
34. Replication , logshipping , mirroring
35. what datatype for using image?
36. What is SQL Injection? how to protect sql injection?
37. Error handling?
38. Table scan Index Seek and Index Scan?
39. DBCC Commands?
40. What are Ranking Functions?
41. Date Functions / string functions?
42. What is the FILLFACTOR?
43. Correlated subquery ? Is it good method?
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